"How did you get to be a prefect?"
Oh c'mon! Is he real? I am sometimes amazed with my own kids!
"The teachers chose us. Then the whole school voted. That's how."
"Are they going to do the same at my school?"
"I think each school has its own way of choosing their prefects. Anyway, I don't think there will be any elected from Year 2. (He is going to be in Year 2 this coming school year).
"When can I be a prefect?" Now I almost feel it for him. I think he is going to make it a mission now.
"Maybe until you are in Year 4 or 5?"
"That's a long way yet."
"Yes Darling. Perhaps you just try your best to be a good student first."
That kept him quiet for a bit.
"How come you only put Danish's story in your blog? I received a gift too this year. From school."
Ok Sweetheart. I am putting yours now.