Danish was offered a place at one of the residential schools. He was happy as he managed to get a place at the school which he applied for. I was happy for him though deep in me it is quite difficult for me to let him go. He's my son. My eldest. The one who spent the longest beside me. But as I promised myself, I have to learn to let him go. He has to spread his wings like my Mum let me. Well,... Maybe my Mum is stronger.

Last night after we came back from the Surau, we talked about the offer again.
"Ibu, I am going to accept the offer."
"You sure? You don't want to wait for MRSM?"
"It's alright Ibu. I think I am going for this one."
"Ok Darling."
And he clicked the "yes" button. Appeared the links to the Offer Letter and the Offer Book.
We went through them.

"I am gonna miss you." I told him.
"I am gonna miss you too, Ibu." And he hugged me - well, our family is full of hugs and kisses. "And thank you for letting me go."
"I have too Darling. I have too." No matter how difficult it feels. At this moment I realised how true it was when someone told me "you will always have a special closeness to your eldest".
It is still another three weeks before he registered. I am not going to think about it now. I want to enjoy us being a "complete" family. I am sure to miss him knocking at my door at around 2.45 p.m. "I am home, Ibu" or receiving his calls telling me he is going to stay back to complete his work or simply to drop by at his friend's Farouk's place. Farouk was also offered a place at a residential school too but his is further away, in Hulu Terengganu. In a very short time, I will no longer received any call, "Auntie, can I speak to Danish, please?" I am going to miss them.
Looks like I have to be brave now. I know I will be a little "lost" when he left. But I know he will be alright. How could he not when he has all the prayers, blessings and love that he needs?
Happy Friday everyone and a good long weekends.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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