We sent Danish to his new school on Feb. 5, 2014. Mia and Aqil refused to go to school that day to send their beloved brother. I tried to be very brave and tried harder not to cry in front of him (though I must admit I was teary on the way home).
Home is never the same again. There's somehow a feeling of emptiness - a space too much. I hope the feeling will ease away bit by bit as I know he will be alright. He wanted to go to boarding school. He wants to be independent. And Alhamdulillah he secured a place in a very good school.
Though I know the chance is slim for him to call that night, I secretly waited for his call. It never came. Gladly he called on the following night at around 11. I was already going to sleep.
"Salam Ibu. Thank you for picking up the phone. I don't have much time, Ibu. Just to let you know I'm fine. I've made a few friends and the Form 5 seniors are kind too."
"Ok Darling. I am glad you are ok. I've been waiting for your call."
"I know Ibu. But don't worry. I like this school, Ibu. Ibu, I can go out this Saturday."
"Alright Darling. We'll be there after Baba finished work, ok? What time can we pick you up?"
"After 12.00 until 6.00, Ibu."
"Ok Darling. We'll see you then. Anything you need from here?"
"Just your prayers, Ibu. Ok Ibu, I have to go now. I love you."
"I love you very much. Take care." And the line went off.
Last night he called saying that there was a change of plan. He was not allowed to go out but we can visit him at school. So today, we will go visit him. I want to see for myself that he truly is settling down alright.
Happy Saturday everyone.
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