Wednesday, June 23, 2010

There was an incident at home today - in the kitchen to be exact. But I am not going to share that yet. I am still a bit shaken by it. So, let it cool down first before I have the courage to pen it down. The culprit is? Me. Again. It is no good doing two things which need deep concentration like... mmmm... I'll save that for later entry.

After my husband came back from fetching Mia at school today, he announced that we need to go to TESCO as there are a few things that we need especially some medication for Aqil. He is down with fever and we have run out of paracetamol. Hearinh that, Mia excitedly asked if it is OK for her to jot down the list of things to buy at TESCO. We said yes. So, she quickly took her notebook and a pen and jot the list down. Completed, she handed it over to me. And I don't know what to make up of the list. Can you? Here are what she wrote down :

I quote : "familee list
1. mango joos
2. uyins rad
3. egg
4. coff syrup
5. parstmol
6. dlack cArDAmoms
7. Dishwashurliqit
8. arafreshnyr
9. gulicbred

It's like a puzzle for me at first glance. Then I asked her to tell me what item no. 2 is. Even she took a while before she answered me. You see, item no. 2 is from his father, so, I am not aware of it until she finally tell me  
"It's onion, red, Ibu!" Blimey! For the rest, I think you guys can make up, ya? Do excuse the writing from a 6 year old.


  1. Salam Mia's Mom. It will be exactly like my Miss 6's spelling, :-) Especially the 'b' and 'd' terbalik tu.
    Luckily you explained what uyins rad means or else jenuh jugak I nak fikir, hehehehe... But she's done well because the rest is easily figured! :-)

  2. Ala ala comel nyer MIA ... okay dah tu. Umur 6 tahun kira okay dah. I pun tak sabar nak tahu, apa cerita kat dapur U. Harap tak ada apa apa yang buruk, dan semua okay.

  3. I lol..funny to read and my mind is trying hard to compute the word uyins rad but she's so good...BTW, ur doter is so cute...geram seh..big effort is needed for her to spell the words correctly...I believe you will lead her...

    my son 4yo++ still doesn't know how to spell...sigh...hehehe..maknya pemalas nak ajar..hahaha

  4. Salam LG :-D
    Tu lah dia nya :-D BTW, does Miss 6 keep a diary? Mia does, she keeps writing things in her diary sometimes backed by pictures, stickers, etc. One day, when I asked her what she wrote in her diary, she read me a page which if left to me, I need to hire an expert in encryption. But, thumbs up to them ya! They write with confidence - tak kira la huruf terbalik ke, kejap huruf besar kejap huruf kecik ke. Rasanya, it has to do with the way they were taught at school. They learned phonetics first (kat OZ sama jugak kut dengan kat sini). So it is not A, B, C like what we learnt masa kecik dulu but terus aah, bh, kh tu yang bila tulis ikut pronunciation terus tu. :-D

  5. Salam Acik :-D

    InsyaAllah. Dalam sehari dua lagi I cerita. I sedang pikir takut je kalau tuan rumah I baca blog ni. Walaupun le rasanya amat2 isolated tapi sebab suspense tu kan. I kumpul courage dulu, nanti I cerita, OK? :-D BTW, dah balik dah dari CCPT?

  6. Salam Melin Melinda :-D

    Thank you very much :-D Actually, I pun tak berapa ada masa nak ajar dia. But, I think she's motivated with the star stickers which will be given at school if she writes nicely. She even keeps a diary which I can hardly read (because she is using her own spelling formula yang I belum belajar lagi). But I am OK sebab she's trying hard. Kadang2 pening pun ya juga sejak dia hook on writing ni. I cakap apa2 pun, dia tanya, "What are you saying just now? Say it again I want to write it down" Sabar je lah kan? :-D

  7. interesting list she's got there, yes no:2 was just classic and no:3 was perfect, you should keep the list for later an album or somewhere

  8. Salam Bluesman :-D

    Yeah, interesting isn't it? Maybe next time I will scanned her car boot list - yeap! she has a list for car boot trips as well! :-D And yes! I keep all those writings, art works, etc of all of them.
