It's End of Term. Meaning :
i. I have both Mia & Aqil with me full time effective tomorrow (July 2, 2010) until August 17, 2010;
ii. I will have to arrange to send them somewhere where there is adult supervision when I want to go the library; or
iii. I have to drag them along if I need to get some data from Datastream at the University (I do dragged Aqil to my workshops and classes too last time!);
iv. Things will get better & better after July 10 as Danish & Hakim will be arriving from Malaysia. Alhamdulillah their visas were approved - thanks to everyone who have been praying for them. Thank you very much. This means that instead of dragging two children to School I have to drag four children along. When we walk in single file I do sometimes feel like a mother duck! But, Alhamdulillah as we are soon going to be reunited. We thought we can managed to secure tickets for this Saturday but as they are going to travel as Unaccompanied Minors, there are certain arrangements to be made, such they need at least a day to do so with the Dubai office (they are flying Emirates), that, and my husband can't guarantee that he can take leave next week (we have to fetch them at Gatwick which is about 380++ miles from Dundee), left us with no choice but to opt for next Saturday.

Hmm... let me continue with the "end-of-term" story. With end-of-term came the Progress Report . I was quite touched with what written by both Danish & Hakim's Teachers and their Head Teacher in their comments. Danish & Hakim have just started schooling in January and have to leave for Malaysia on May 1. They are considered new and have not been there long but they have managed to become welcome members at school. Below are the comments but please, I do not intend to show off or anything near that. Nor do I intend to open any can of worms, I just would like to share how the teachers' comments are compared to back home.
Danish's comments from the teacher :Quote "Danish has a very happy nature and he gets on well with his peers. He is a very caring and helpful child who is sensitive to the feelings of others.
Danish is a hard working and conscientious pupil who has made excellent progress in all areas. He always tries his best. Danish appreciates the importance of completing homework to help with his learning,
Danish should continue to make good progress at High School if he can maintain this session's hard work. All the very best for the future Danish.
Remember always to "Be The Best You Can Be"Unquote.
And the Head Teacher's comments : Quote. "Danish has not been with us for very long. However, I have been impressed by his attitude and motivation towards learning. Danish is an extremely capable pupil who wants to do well and achieve high goals.
He is an enthusiastic pupil and gives 100% commitment to all his tasks.
I am confident that Danish will meet all the challenges of High School and that he will make excellent progress. Good luck, Danish." Unquote. Oh yes, Danish will be in High School next August. He will not be at the current school any more. When I told his Teacher that he can only make it back next week, she said that she will be meeting him at the High School at the beginning of the new term. "I want to see him." she said. "At least I want to say a proper good bye. I miss him."
Hakim's Teacher's Comments : Quote."Luqman has settled really well into his class and has become a key member of the class. He is a hard working and conscientious pupil who has made excellent progress in all areas. Luqman is a very able pupil who always tries his best and he is always eager to learn. He is supportive and sensitive to others when working in a group and he is a friendly and popular member of the class. Luqman has a happy nature and a good sense of humour and has a very positive attitude to all aspects of school life. He has only been part of the class for a few months but already he has a great impact on all of us. Luqman is very confident and is a good role model for other children with his attitude to learning and school. I have really enjoyed getting to know Luqman and seeing him develop over the past few months. Good luck in primary 6.
Head Teacher's Comments : Quote. "This is a very positive report, Luqman. In a short time you have become a valuable member of the class by your commitment and attitude to education. I am impressed by your enthusiasm for learning. Well done, Luqman!"Unquote.
Very different from the "Sangat Baik. Usaha lagi. (Very good. Work harder.) " or just "Baik. (Good) or the most "Baik. Usaha lagi supaya lebih cemerlang. (Good. Work harder to be better) which we normally get from their Report Cards back home. No, I do not have anything against teachers or our education system back home. I am what I am today as a result from that system. However, with just a little more caring attitude towards the pupil, and a little bit more words of motivation and supports it could go a long way. And that does not just go for the younger children. Even as old as I am when my Supervisor commented something like "... the method that you are going to do are well written..." I am already over the moon and give me some sort of the extra strength to do better and better in my analysis. Though at times looking at the amount of work to churn my data I already feel like shooting myself, but, that's beside the point! Words of encouragement do makes the world go round! Honest!
(Sources of images : school's out from; mother duck & ducklings from