Sunday, October 10, 2010

This is Not for Halloween

These photos were taken quite some time ago. And has nothing to do with Halloween.  We were still staying at the Bed & Breakfast in Willesden and Kak Ida came one afternoon bringing this pumpkin. As big as BIG is. Kak Ita and I were having a fun time calculating its life span!

I really appreciate Kak Ida's effort in bringing the pumpkin which is almost as heavy as a baby elephant from Windsor to Willesden. And she has been lucky as well when one of the kind-hearted guy offered to carry it when changing lines.

Now, this pumpkin reminds me of the gulai lemak labu, gulai lemak pucuk labu and ikan sepat, lepat labu, sira labu and all things good about labu back home.....'s going to be labu time soon nearing Halloween. For the time being squash is good enough!


  1. salam..wahh so big the pumpkin....yea i like masak lemak labu...but i dont eat the pumpkin itself, just the gravy ahaha.....

  2. Salam Arsaili :-D

    Yeah... I can understand that! The gravy is sweetened by the flavour from the labu, right? Yummm! I have also tried a recipe of fried noodle with labu - nice Bro! But, then again, if you don't take the labu.....

  3. Salam MM ... Sungguh beso labu itu. My Favourite ... masak lemak labu. Kalau ler I dapat labu tu kasi kat mak I masak (heheheheheh... dasar pemalas nak masak, tahu makan jer) sure boleh buat stok setahun kan.

    p/s : rindu lak kat U sebab lama dah tak bersiaran ;D Muah muah muah

  4. if that pumpkin buat kek.. sure the whole village boleh makan!

    cheers!! :)

  5. Salam Acik :-D

    Muah Muah Muahhh! Tu lah nya. Pukul 8 lebih baru berlari2 antara underground dengan national railway, manalah sempat nak bersiaran. Huhuhu. All the best untuk Kak Long for her PMR (ke... dah nak dapat result dah?)

  6. Salam Ida :-D

    I imagine macam cerita "The Magic Pot" tu. Tak habis2 pumpkin.

    Anyway, glad to know that you are enjoying your work though it sounds hectic :-D

  7. Kak Long belum dapat result lagi, sekarang ni tengah berhoneymoon sementara tunggu result. Buku teks semua dah pulangkan ke sekolah :)

  8. Salam Acik :-D

    Marilah kita sama2 doa Kak Long dapat keputusan yang cemerlang, ya! Insya Allah.
