Sunday, August 18, 2013

Do I Need to Worry?

Aqil came back from school one day announcing that he didn't want his lunch. Knowing his appetite I was wondering the reason for this.

"Why don't you want your lunch."

"I have eaten at school Mummy."

Knowing fully well what I packed him that morning i.e a piece of bread and a drink, which will not go far for him, I am quite curious.

"I know you did but that couldn't be so filling..."

"I ate nasi lemak just now."


"Where did you get the nasi lemak from?" Started to panic as we did not give him any pocket money.

"A guy gave me RM2 just now and I bought nasi lemak with the money."

"Which guy?"

"I can't remember."

"Is it big guy? A small one?" And I know I sound very pathetic when I asked him "did he touch you anywhere when he gave you the money??!"

"No. He just gave me the money."

Until today I do not know who gave him the money but I finally managed to find out that the "guy" is a Year 2 pupil.  Still I was not sure if that's a relief!

Generally, in the UK this kind of issue is taken very seriously due to shocking news of paedophile cases in schools and nurseries. Such, after years of being made aware of this, and schools in our area not allowing parents taking photos of other people's children without consent from their parents (which led us to not having any photographs of most school activities) and the children are not allowed to leave the school without their parent/s or a designated person picking them up, what happened to Aqil really raised my internal alarm.

And I was also wondering how much exactly is the pocket money given to a Year 2 pupil if he can "share" it with others?

Phew! Being a parent is a very tough job.

Happy Sunday, everyone :)

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