Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Sports Day"

After days (or shall I say, months) of practicing, finally today is the Sports Day at Damia's and Aqil's school.

Unsure of how the system is for other schools but at their school, the students are divided into two levels. Level 1 for Year 1, 2 and 3 and Level 2 for Year 4, 5 and 6. Such, today is the Sports Day or more to tele-match for Level 1 students.

So, off we went to their school together with throngs of other parents promising ourselves to be as supportive and gentlemanly to the eager youngsters.

Aqil waiting or his turn.

His Blue Team managed to get a second place.

A proud winner.

Once Aqil's event is done, it's his cousin Erwin's turn.

Erwin getting ready.

Erwin in action.

His team managed to get the third place. They were two members down and two of them including him has to go twice.
Unfortunately for him, the table tennis ball fell off from his spoon twice. But he is a good sport, Erwin.

Up till this point, my husband, Erwin's parents and auntie are here with me. But since they have commitments, I was left alone to support Mia. I guessed I will be a while yet as Year 3 has yet to start their event. Anyway, I managed to gather a few of her friends for a photo shoot.

Damia with the her friends Aireen, Azhira, Ain Sofea and Aida.

Part of the Team

Queuing for the medal

Two very happy Malaysian roses.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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