Friday, February 12, 2010

Sleeping...not so Beauty

I am not sure if I had earlier mentioned that Aqil will sleep any time he is sleepy.  And it doesn't matter where. One time when he was about a year and a half old, he slept while I was bathing him - Nope! I am not lying! Until now, I found it quite unbelievable - how could someone sleep while bathing??? Well, anyway, Aqil could.

Aqil is into playing the pc games stage now. It is so.... difficult to get him to eat while he is in front of the pc - he refuses to stop (every time!) - how I wish he will continue having this kind of concentration when he is studying later. 

Anyway, last night, after a few "battles" with him, he finally agreed to have his dinner.  And not five minutes later I found him like this  :


Yes... his right hand smeared with rice and curry and as he fell into that position (he was sitting earlier) his left hand dropped into the plate!

And not so long after that....

Felt like a sleepy spell was blowing into our home.  But Mia has an excuse - she is down with fever. Hopefully she will get well before school re-opens next Tuesday.


  1. hikhikhik... boleh dia tidur while tgh makan. So funny :-D. Sure dah penat sgt duk depan pc tu ye.

  2. Salam LG :-D

    Tu lah... he can play almost all his waking hour if I permit it. sabar aje lah. Tapi, bab tidur ni memang tak boleh tolong la... dari dulu... lagi satu, kalau naik kereta nak pergi mana2, tak sampai 5 minit, mesti tidur - satu hal lah nak gerak dia. Yang kelakar jugak sekali tu, main hide-and-seek dengan abang2 dia. Al-kisah mengantuk datang agaknya. Abang dia pulak lama baru nak terjumpa - hmmm... tidur dia - hampeh betul :-D

  3. Salam Mia' Mom - Kelakar la anak U NAMUN tetap comei walau dalam tidur. Aqil punya pose tu kan,dah macam mak dia bagi ubat tidur lak dalam nasi dia. Dahsyat sungguh anak U )

    Semoga Mia cepat sembuh dan boleh segera pulang ke kelas nyer. AMIN.

  4. Salam MLMW :-D

    Jenis macam Aqil ni agaknya kalau bagi ubat tidur mau dua hari baru bangun kut? I memang tak faham - setau I kalau kita mengantuk pun tapi kena suruh jugak makan, bila makan tu dah hilang dah mengantuk. Species mana la dia ni agaknya....usahkan makan, mandi pun boleh tidur....hmmmm....entahlah. Kalau I cerita kat cikgu dia mau I kena bawa dia pergi therapy pulak kut? :-D

    Amin. Terima kasih. Mia dah mula sembuh.

  5. can give some of your son's sleeping gene to those who are experiencing sleeping disorder.

  6. Salam DrSam :-D

    ...and contribute to the world of genetic engineering... On a serious note, is sleeping behaviour genetic? Coz if it is, I have to work out the genealogical lineage to find out who starts all this...! :-D
