Monday, November 1, 2010

About Time & Spending Sunday

Up until 12.59 a.m. on Saturday we were still in the British Summer Time ("BST"). Then at 1.00 a.m. we have to turn the clock back an hour, back to the Greenwich Mean Time ("GMT"). So, we gained an extra hour, technically at least!

Autumn in my backyard

It is autumn now and it will get darker earlier very soon. It is getting colder too. And I dread the thought of having to go to work during the winter months - I have to invest in a good coat and a good pair of boots soon to see me through the cold winter mornings and nights. None of my current boots can last through the wet winter as the pairs that I managed to save from my husband's charity drive are both made of suede. Oh Dear, where was I?

Actually I started off this entry last Saturday night - thought I will continue Sunday. But, since we are on Virgin Media and there were some line problems expected to be rectified by 10.00 a.m. tomorrow, we went to top our Vodafone to get online! Hmmph!

Anyway, I was feeling under the weather yesterday but since I owe my children a treat for behaving nicely and not complaining about not going anywhere during half-term break (since Mummy is still under probation and can't take the day off), I put on a brave face and brought them to watch the American Circus.  Too bad we were not allowed to take any photos in the Big Top.

I was glad that we brought the children there. They really enjoyed the show. At least I felt less guilty about not spending half-term break with them. To be frank it was my first "life" circus. The showpresented those must-haves as far as circus is concerned - acrobatic acts; quick change; plate spinning & juggling; bungee presentation; trampoline; globe of death (yeah! the ghostrider thingy); sword & dagger balancing act; trampoline act; magic show; hula hoop and the wheel of death. In between the show, the clown acts took place. Well, all-in-all it was very entertaining. The children were wondering why there was no animal act. Well, perhaps it has to do with the Animal Cruelty Prevention movement, but hey! They fully enjoyed the 1 hour 45 minutes show!


  1. Salam MM,

    Wah! your backyard sungguh cantik sekali. Wish I kat situ ... hehehehe

    I pun tak pernah tengok circus live seumur hidup. Kalau kat TV tu masa kecik tiap kali raya ker itu jer lah yang ada ditayangkan ... hehehehe. Tak tahu lak ada American Circus, selalu yang datang Malaysia pun 'Londan Circus' kan ... itu pun tak mampu nak tengok ... hikhikhik

    Selamat ber'Winter' dear ;D tak sabor nak tengok anak-anak U main salji lak lepas ni. Sori ler terkomen panjang lak ;D

  2. Ralat : Sori LONDON ... eja pun dah reti, kena masuk sekolah balik nih :D

  3. Hi my dearest friend, bestnye tgk gambar2 yr family & u. I met sinar, now dia kat msia dah. Juz to inform u that our beloved friend Juana dah kembali ke rahmatullah 15 dec 2009, cuma i x tau nak contact u camane.....sorry. Macamane yr work kat sana?

  4. Salam Sura :-D

    Innalillah hi wainnailaihiraji'un.... Oh Dear. She didn't answered my called when I called her before I left. Thank you for informing me. Pray the Lord that she's amongst those Blessed - for she has the kindest heart, most kind....Al-Fatihah...

    My salam to Sinar. Is she attached anywhere or continuing being a Lady-of-Leisure? You bila nak datang sini? Kecil tapak tangan, Stockwood Park I tadahkan :-D

  5. Salam Acik :-D

    Tulahnya... I pun tak sangka kat sini tengok American Circus. Patutnya London Circus la kan?:-D
    Kalau ikut logik geography pun, London lagi dekat... boleh ke gitu ya? Anyway, kalau you datang, bolehlah kita buat BBQ kat backyard I yang panjang tu. Harapnya masa tu. Kebun kecik I tu pun dah mengeluarkan hasil :-D ala... Acik! Spelling mistake... tak kisah punya... :-D

  6. Your first photo looks very familiar to me :)
