Salam & Great Evening Everyone :-D
Again, it is a very long while before I am here again but Thank you Kindly, for those who visit this space of mine. Today, I reached home early - not because I turned over new leaf like it's my new resolution or anything but because I have to attend my daughter's Parents' Evening. Since my husband works evening, I have no choice but to go - at least before the teacher thought that my daughter has no Mum! Damia joined this school on September 5 this year and I have never been to her morning coffee, assembly, etc,.. So, today is the first for me to meet her class teacher - Mrs W.
My slot was set at 5.30 p.m. So, in order not to be late I left the office at 3.15 p.m - acting like the irresponsible employee who couldn't care less if she meets the deadline (that's on the surface - deep down, my mind was in turmoil!). The first part of my journey - by underground from Hyde Park Corner to King's Cross St Pancras went well. As I stepped into the National Railway station, there was a lot of people waiting and queuing! My heart skipped a beat! Not again! The train to Bedford is delayed due to signalling problem! Gladly, after about 15 minutes, the train finally approached. And 15 minutes later it stopped! This can't be happening! Not on the day when I was about to meet my daughter's teacher! I was getting very restless when the train was moving again! Thank Goodness!
Well, you see, I am the kind of person who should not be left alone without anything to do. Such, I always carry a book with me so I can read during my train journey. Now, as it happened, I didn't carry any book at all. Not even a note book to write something on. Reason behind this is, other than my love for reading and so-called vocabulary enriching, to stop my mind from wandering.

You see, as I don't have anything to do - though I did try to close my eyes to catch up on sleep - forget it! after 3 minutes, pretending to sleep can be very tiring - so, my mind started wandering. It is already 4.18 and I haven't even reached St Albans yet... Hmm... and the bus interval to where I stay is every half hour. Oh Dear! Looks like I don't have time to fetch Mia from home. Maybe I can just turn-up on my own - put up a string of apologies to the teacher for not having time to get my daughter in order to keep my 5.30 slot? Another thought comes to mind - what if Mrs W is not convinced that I am Mia's Mum? And she refused to discuss Mia's development at school with me? What if she thinks that I am an impersonator? What if she thinks that the real Mia's Mum paid me to go instead of turning up herself? I mean just in case Mia is doing very badly at school. To help ease my mind, I text my husband - as usual there's no reply. So I text my friend at the office, " Is it alright to turn up without my daughter?". "It's ok." came the reply. "Won't the teacher thought I am an impersonator or paid to go?" I asked. "Actually I have never been. Not sure!" You should by now why I love my friend/s! :-D
Just as I was trying to figure out what to say to the teacher, there was an incoming text - just a simple "Yes" from my husband. Oh Dear! At the rate the train is going I can say goodbye to my 5.30 slot. But somehow, by some twist of luck - more likely just trying my patience, I managed to arrive at Luton Station at around 4.30. I rushed out, walking like a madman (madwomen in my case!) to the bus stop. But, you see, the short cut to the bus stop is through a shopping mall. And woman being woman - though I was hard pushed I managed to dropped by Boots to purchase 2 concealers - I know you must thing that I am mad! For that few moments at Boots, I was.
Not a few steps after I left Boots, my phone rang - Oh no! My home no!
"Mum, where are you?" came the voice of my eldest.
"I am on my way to the bus stop, Darling! Why?"
"You know your slot is at 5.30, right?"
"Yes Darling. Why?"
"Well, it's 5 to, now. you better be quick." like he knows of his Mum's detour!
"OK. I am running now - there's a bus at 2 past! I'll be there Darling. Just tell Damia to get ready, OK?"
And I was running - I mean really running like my-life-depend-on-it kind of running! Especially when I saw the bus was about ready to leave. I made it somehow! By the skin of my teeth!
Maybe, it is good for you to know that both Damia and I managed to make our slot. I won't discuss in detail what Mrs W informed me about my daughter but she said I should be extremely proud of her. And for Maths, she is doing Year 4 work despite being a Year 3. Well, I just hope she keeps up the good work!
Till then :-D