Monday, July 27, 2009

Just trying a hand at blogging...

Hello, my name is Luqman Hakim.My mother is not well and not strong enough to add yet another entry in this blog. So, I felt like trying my hand on this blogging thing. I am 9 years old. I have a brother who is 11 years old. He is currently at school. I came back early today as I got my asthma attack at school. So, the teacher sent me back to my granny's house. There I called my Dad who took me to the Clinic where I have a 5-minute nebulizer treatment. Then Dad sent me home.
(Picture shows me caught a fish)


  1. Salam Bro Luqman,

    Congrats bro, you are a cute blogger now. Warm regard for you and mom, don't forget take medic treat at the sharp time.

    It a Big catch ya? make your smile look great.

  2. salam luqman...take care of urself and ur mom too..wish both of you speedy recovery

  3. Thank you Uncle Zed. It's Luqman here. I will take my medicine on time.

  4. Thank you Bro Arsaili. I am feeling better. I went to school today. I hope my Mom will be getting better too.

  5. Salam, you get well soon ya and what's wrong with yr mom. Who's been doing the cooking since yr mom is not well?

  6. Well,the cooking is still done by my mother.Because my father is working,And I am in charge of the children.

  7. Salam Luqman,

    Tell your mom, don't let her blog - Boleh Tumpang Lalu, hanging too long. Without new entry, fill something new coz aidilfitri will coming.

  8. May God bless you and your family with good health and good life. Mia's mom need to have plenty of rest. Dundee won't go away and will wait for you Insyaallah.

  9. Salam Uncle Sam,

    Thank you for your good wish. My Mom is worried about Dundee too. Please pray for us, ya Uncle. Thanks.

  10. ...salam, luqman..quite a catch u got there..regards to mom and dad..dan selamat berpuasa..

  11. Salam
    Hey little man, long time no see.
    U r not 9 yrs old anymore (as I write this)
    How's life?
    Please find me an agressive mountain there to climb on someday ha5.
    Send my salam to ur family (even if acu read this)
    C u
