Friday, January 22, 2010

School, Here I Come!

At last! Since Monday this week there is no more fight-war-battle in the morning.  Aqil is already one happy wee boy excited about going to school.  Here are some of the snaps taken of him on his way to school.  Hmmmm... what relief!!!

So, let me leave you with these inadequate poem of mine dedicated to Aqil and other children who have excuses the first few days of schooling.

My tummy ached so
My head doing a calypso
Last night was a nightmare
Going to school is not my fare

Mummy please understand me
I would rather be with thee
For school is not as fun
When at home we can always sing and dance

Oh Mummy dear
At school there may be a  Monster
One so big might even have me for supper
You don’t want that to happen do you? Mummy dear?


  1. Comel nyer Aqil ... best poem you tu MM. Aqil takut monster kat sekolah ek, tu yang Mommy kasi bekal beg Spiderman tu. Kat sekolah nanti Aqil boleh transform jadi Spiderman lawan Monster... wakakakaka ;)

  2. Salam MLMW :-D

    Tu yang tak tahan tu! Spiderman takut Monster!!! Padahal, Cikgu2 dia baik sesangat-sangat. Lega betul tak payah lagi berperang pagi2. Sekarang ni gi sekolah siap berlari2 anak sambil nyanyi-nyani "itsy bitsy spider" lagi!

  3. Nice rhyme to your little Aqil. Hope he will manage to battle the monster with secret weapons packed in his cute little bag.

  4. Salam DrSam :-D

    Thank you. I am really glad that he is enjoying meeting the monster. He has been asking when is the school going to be open since Saturday. I consider that a very good sign :-D
