Saturday, April 17, 2010

Of Fishing and Crabs

Well, the truth is I am still very tired. We just came back from Rookhope (a beautiful countryside in Durham County). But, it has been quite some time before I key in anything in my blog. So, before I start on the story of our trip to Durham, let me just start with our fishing trip last Sunday.

Aqil quietly waiting for his brother to come with the wet wipes to clean his hands. He fell off and managed to get some mud on his hands

One happy man in his element!

The first catch of the day! A fine rainbow trout

The younger fisherman in the family

Happily striking a pose!

At the end of the four hours, they managed to catch 3 rainbow trouts between them

Back in Malaysia, at least twice a month we will be having crabs on our dining table. But here we hardly have any until last Saturday - after almost 7 months! We went to the fish monger while at Arbroath when we came across some. So, that night, we had a lovely butter crab for dinner!

Three big juicy crabs!

 True decapod crustaceans! 

Dinner, anyone?


  1. untung juga ada hobi memancing ni... blh makan free

  2. Salam fa10 :-D

    Alhamdulillah. Yang seronoknya kat kolam pancing kat sini, dia memang make sure ada ikan dalam kolam tu. Kata Manager kolam dia orang nak semua yang datang memancing akan dapat ikan - at least seekor. Sebab tu tiap 2 ikan yang dapat dipancing untuk bawa balik, kena direkod dulu. Dan memang sedap ikan fresh ni!

  3. Yum Yum.. I love rainbow trout tapi dah lama sangat2 tak makan. Malas betul nak pergi this one fresh fish market sebab kena pergi very very early in the morning, hehehe

  4. Salam MM :)

    Aqil sangat comel pose macam berdoa tu ... hehehe. Seronok nyer pergi memancing dan ketam itu sangat besar, macam muka PREDATOR ...hehehehe

  5. Salam LG :-D

    Kat sini, kalau nak ikan betul2 fresh kena pergi Arbroath about 20 miles away. Tapi kalau yang dah letak atas ais, adalah kedai jual ikan about a mile away - tapi memang tak ada wet market. Kalau teringin nak pergi ala2 wet market adalah Farmers' Market dekat Perth about 23 miles away itupun every first Saturday kalau tak salah. Selalunya kami pergi je beli ikan kat Tesco ke, Morrison ke....Kiranya, dah lama sangat I tak pergi wet market... :-D

  6. Salam Acik :-D

    Dah lama tak makan ikan "segar dari ladang", akhirnya...!! Kami buat tandoori ikan tu. Best Acik - you pun mesti suka :-D Ketam tu pun, sungguhpun lebih banyak isi kat lengan dia tu dari kat badan dan kerasnya setengah gila cengkerang dia, kami anak-beranak makan sampai juling!! Hehehe.....
