Monday, April 12, 2010

Short Trip Part 3 : Beatrix Potter Exhibition Centre, Birnam

Well, after having our second picnic (the first was at Alyth) at the Hermitage Garden, we actually planned to go home. However, a brown signage at the junction caught our eyes and since it is just about 10 minutes away, we decided to visit the Beatrix Potter Exhibition Centre at Birnam. A few years ago, we went to the Beatrix Potter House at Cumbria (in the Lake District) such, we decided to check out this one.

Danish, Hakim & Mia inside Mr Tod's house

Aqil riding Mr Tod?

At first we thought she's giving a pose but actually she's struggling with tummy ache!

Little that we know of Aqil's plan at this stage

See the distance between the bridge and the rock? The one which Hakim stood on?

See his wet shoes & pants? Hmm... he thought his step is as wide as Hakim's. And fell right into the pond. Too bad I was to busy rescuing him that I can't capture that moment!

My Eldest & Youngest. Hey! It's time to go!!!

In our excitement in exploring the Beatrix Potter's Gift Shop, we forgot to take any snap. A lot of beautiful things to see - pleasure to the eyes unfortunately not to the pocket :-D In the end we just bought a little notebook for Mia, a bar of soap and a medium jar of rose apple homemade sweets. Taste heavenly!

Our journey home is a bit of a nightmare as Mia was having tummy ache. She was crying part of the journey and asleep the rest. Too bad we didn't bring any medication with us which is a real big lesson for us to learn. We can only offer her tea and sweets! And we folded her jacket to press her tummy on. Gladly it seemed to comfort her a little which put her to sleep. Ahhhh!.... How glad we were to reach home that day! The best thing is, she's OK as soon as we reached home! 


  1. Salam Mia's Mom.
    Hahaha Aqil, mesti he was secretly planning his 'escapade' tu. Kalau his brother could do it, so could he :-D. Alhamdulillah the pond tak dalam ye.
    Poor Mia, probably too long a journey ke?

  2. Salam LG :-D

    Lepas ni I memang patut ajar dia pasal pepatah Melayu "Ukur baju di badan sendiri" Hehehe. Dah lah kita orang tak bawa seluar extra untuk dia, berlembab lah dia dalam journey balik. Nasib baik dalam sejam je. I think so - journey tu kira one full day and she ate very little breakfast before leaving - masuk angin kut. Dia memang a very picky eater.
