Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blairgowrie and Glenshee (err not quite!)

It's Saturday! Saturday is letting off steam day! Well, today it is Blairgowrie. It is a beautiful fine day today. We started our journey a little late what with getting four children who are quite reluctant to take their bath early. And since it is a good fine day, it is line drying time and we have two batches of washing to get out to dry.

Anyway, we managed to start our journey at around 11.00. Not without some food, fruits, tea and mango juice - hmm... the preparation is endless! We managed to get slightly lost too and gladly Ustaz Amin was available and provided us with the direction (Ustaz Amin has been here over 10 years like and we assumed that he knows almost every nook and cranny of at least Angus, Perthshire, Fife, Kinross-shire, Argyll, Ayrshire, ... best-kept secret included!).

And the journey is breathtaking! Here is some of the photos along the journey.

As we approached the town centre of Blairgowrie

Can't remember exactly what the statue is called but something to do with WW2 and Korean War


My Hakim posing

Poison Ivy

A gate to the river? Or was it that it was once a castle or something?

What about sitting on the bark and your feet touching the water?

      Danish with errr.... hmmm..

Brae Bridge

Breathtaking view welcoming us on our journey to Glenshee

Glenshee (we'll reach the peak in about 30 more miles perhaps?)

Still some snow left from winter

Don't quite understand why the fire

Well, you have to understand that my husband is a fishing fanatic. So, we have to stop by one of the commercial fishing pond on our way home. This one is called Ledyatt Loch.

Aqil, Danish & Mia giving a pose

    The two fishing enthusiasts with Aqil

Beautiful place, huh? This is the adult fishing pond

Don't you think it is smiling at you?

Aqil in front of the pond's administration office

My four children in front of the children's fishing pond

All in all we have a very good short break.  Who can complain when at the end of the day the driver, opps the Daddy is all smile when we agree to stop by the fishing pond.


  1. Salam Hamsini :-D

    Saya dah pun menziarah rumah maya Hamsini.

  2. Salam Mia's Mom,
    Glad to hear that you had an enjoyable break after a stressful week. The scenery there's a bit like country Perth minus the snow lah. Because of the 'barren' land, takde tree for miles and miles, hehehehe....
    Did he catch any fish?

  3. Tq datang ziarah.Lain kali saya datang lagi.

  4. Salam LG :-D

    Thank you LG. Am I glad for the break too. This time it is sort of a familiarisation visit. They (Daddy & Hakim) planned to fish next weekend. I think the only reason why they don't fish is because we reached there at around 5.00 pm. The pond's operating hour is from 9.00 to 6.30 with a minimum of 4 hour fishing. I am sure that next week dia orang akan sampai saing2 dengan orang yand buka pagar pond tu. :-D BTW, pond tu pond ikan trout.

    Kat sini dah start tumbuh crocus - dah dekat nak spring agaknya walaupun masih sejuk lagi especially with the angin. Hopefully Perth pun tukar suhu la - biar rendah sikit :-D

  5. Salam Hamsini :-D

    Sudi-sudikanlah ya!

  6. Salam Mia's Mom,

    Cantik semua foto2 tu. Angle nya pun canti..:)

  7. Salam Zue :-D

    Thank you :-D But if you are here I think you will take better photos, I ni baru je cuba2 nak ambil from different angle. Talking about angle, Zue ada tak dulu tengok cerita tajuknya Surah Terakhir. First time I tengok drama Melayu where the shooting angle is excellent.

  8. Just love all those pictures esp the breathtaking one the 10th picture, thanks for sharing them here.

  9. Salam Bluesman :-D

    Thank you and thank you for enjoying it :-D
