Sunday, March 14, 2010

Finally! And a Dedication to My Friend LG :-D

It seemed like ages before I last key in an entry. Classes resumed after the Reading Week with a few alterations to our timetable. I have been going to classes, lab session and presentations almost on daily basis now. But that is not the reason why I don't blog. My blog was somehow corrupted! I was sent to other sites every time I tried to log on. And as my last desperate efforts I deleted all the extra gadgets and voila! I can now log in happily.

And first, I would like to apologise to my friend LG as before the "incident" I promised her the recipe for Abbas' Pilao Rice.

So, my Dear LG, here goes :

Nasi Pilao

1 ekor ayam
2 biji bawang besar, dihiris (untuk 1 kilo beras basmathi)
2 biji tomato (potong dadu)
4 sudu besar tomato puri
1 inci halia (hiris halus)
1 sudu besar paste bawang putih
Coriander leaves


11/2 sudu besar Garam masala
4 helai bay leaves
1 sudu besar Mixed Masala Whole
Chilli powder (ikut rasa)
4 biji Black cardamoms
Saffron (5-6 urat)

Minyak untuk memasak

Cara membuatnya :

Panaskan minyak dalam periuk. Tumiskan bawang besar sehingga naik bau (warna hampir perang). Masukkan tomato, halia, tomato puree dan paste bawang putih. Tumis dengan api perlahan dalam 3 minit, kemudian masukkan semua bahan rempah. Tumis lagi sehingga naik bau rempah. Kemudian masukkan ayam ke dalam tumisan selama 2 -3 minit.  Next masukkan air (nisbah 3 : 3 dan tambahkan 1/2 lagi. Eg. for sukatan 3 beras, 31/2 air; if 2 beras, then 21/2 air). Pada kadar air akan mendidih, masukkan daun coriander. Setelah air mendidih, masukkan beras. Perasakan dengan garam. Kacau sedikit dan tutup sehingga masak dengan  api sederhana. According to Abbas, never open the cover until the rice is cooked - this will make the rice fluffy!

Hmmmm... what a relief.  Now I can sit back and relax a bit as I have fulfilled my promise. Sorry for the delay, yeah! 


  1. Salam Mia's Mom,
    No wonder your blog dah lama kosong. I wonder why the blog got corrupted? I would be so stressed kalau blog I jadi mcm tu, hehehe.
    Anyway, thanks so much for the pilao recipe. I dah C&P kat my recipe 'book' :-). It's a bit different kan dgn the malay steps of making briyani (maybe that's why lah their's is so much fluffier n nicer, hehehe)

  2. Salam LG :-D

    Hmmm... tulah dia nya... melengung I blog I jadi macam tu. everytime I log in I was transferred to another blog. mana tak stress - my blog is the only place where I can release my tense. Bila rasa macam I can't take anything anymore, my blog will be my kingdom of solace. Somewhere yang I can write whatever I want without relating it to Burrell and Morgan's Sociological Paradigms - tak payah nak fikir pasal yang I tulis ni functionalist ke, interpretive ke, what's the ontology or epistemology... hmmm... stress terus dengar nama2 ni!

    Anyway, hope you will try the Pilao and when you do, ambil lah gambar ya! :-D

  3. Salam, Sometimes these gadgets can be quite a nuisance, anyway glad that you got yr blog back in one piece, BTW thanks for the recipe above, i've copied that for future experiments (who knows) and God knows when.

  4. Salam Bluesman :-D

    My pleasure! Can you inform if it turns out nice & fluffy in case you do try it (I know! I know! When God knows when, ya! :-D )
