Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's Sports Day! Hurrah

Phew! The weather is very nice lately. Looks like summer has already started smiling on us. And with summer, comes activities that have been forgotten in the colder months (which is about 8 months since September). Along the way to school in the morning, time-clocks and dandelions (yes! though weed still pretty!) greeting you, birds happily chirping and the best of all you can leave your thick winter jacket at home! And suddenly there is spring in your steps. Trees which gone bald the past few months have regain their dignity with new green clothings - Mmmm.... it is just beautiful!

So!, to take advantage of the good, beautiful weather, St. Ninian Primary School held their Sports Day last Thursday. I can't help thinking if Danish and Hakim are here, they will sure enjoy it. Anyway, together with Anie, Taufik & Faiq, we marched over to the school field to watch our children. It was handled in a very different manner from our schools back home.

Here are some photos to share with you :

Hi Mum! I have just arrived and was told that the children were divided into groups

At first when I saw Aqil here I thought it was just for watching but actually, he's part of the team. I was quite worried at first, since he has never done a team sports kind of thing before. But, somehow he participated well. Listening to all the instruction given. I'm proud of you, Dear. So proud. Aqil with Mia, Rebecca and Sela

Here's the whole team. Err... where's Mia?

Mia in the hoop with Rebecca

Aqil with Rebecca running to the finishing line 

Pass it over, Mia

My hat! My hat! C'mon Aqil, run, Aqil - Rebecca cheering for him

Aqil & Sela - after completing their turn. Sela  & Rebecca took turn to run with Aqil

Ms. Martin - Danish's Class Teacher. Guess what? Aqil took this picture. I was running for the ball which goes haywire at this time! Danish, if you are reading this, Ms Martin sent her regards to you and will email you something soon. Same with Ms McEwan for Hakim. They both asked for your email address. 

Well, what I can say is I really like the manner of which the sports day was handled. Nobody felt pressured. Everyone encouraging and supporting everyone. The elder children took charge of the younger. And they have fun along the way. I was so glad I came and watched. 


  1. salam ziarah & salam kenal... pardon my rudeness for not introducing myself as i silently followed ur blog...

    looks like everyone enjoyed the sports day ya... m sure parents who came to support enjoyed cheering too! 8-D

    btw, pretty flowers! my boys loved to catch dandelions back in melbourne... m not sure, here in singapore, they exists or not! ;-P

  2. Salam Ratu :-D

    Well, that makes the 2 of us. I have been following your blog too but I didn't seem quite to find the post comment button to click such I became "silent" :-D. The photos of your daughter are simply fabulous! :-D. And the twice finding 4 two-yolks eggs are rare, ya!

    Oh yes, you bet! We took a long time to reach school since last week. Both of them have to stop time-clocks and blow them. Goodness me!

    Melbourne? A beautiful city with quite an unpredictable weather too! Was wondering if the Char Kuey Teow at the Asia World Plaza is still there after all these years. Taste simply awesome!

    My love to your boys and daughter ya! :-D
